
In 1972, Dino Zoli’s entrepreneurial adventure begins.
The right amount of courage, optimism and resourcefulness lead Dino Zoli into the enterprising world of business.
A sense of responsibility, a constant desire to expand his business and the participation of his collaborators, his fellow travellers, are some of the factors that allow him and his venture to become the business benchmark of the territory.
A great a deal of creativity, perhaps his most important characteristic, along with courage and intuition, his unfailing optimism and passion become the driving force that over time have enriched the Group in several productive fields: from the textile industry to construction, from art to integrated lighting and telecommunication systems, to the production and exportation of quality Italian food and wine products all over the world.

In 2007, he conceives the Dino Zoli Foundation.  The silver cord that represents the creative link of the entire Group: an opportunity to  provide a place of cultural development and social awareness to the territory.
