The Cross-border Network of Adriatic Museums, established as part of the AdriaWealth project and funded by the IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 (led by the Public Theatre of Apulia, with the Apulia Regional Department of Tourism, Economy of Culture and Territorial Enhancement, with the support of the Pino Pascali Museum Foundation and the Apulia Film Commission), brings together several museums in the Adriatic in order to define new forms of interdisciplinary and intercultural approach.
The network was presented publicly for the first time on 24 October 2016 at the Pino Pascali Museum Foundation of Polignano a Mare with a workshop that allowed museum institutions from Albania, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro and Slovenia to dialogue with representatives of the museums from Italy’s Adriatic regions. It aims to foster exchanges, connections and collaboration among museums on the Adriatic coast, not only to enhance each individual institution and its assets, but also to promote the exchange of good practices, knowledge and skills.
In addition, among other objectives of the convention, the Network aims to promote cooperation policies to improve the quality and modes of access to the cultural services offered to the public, to generate synergies for the development of “museum districts”, to propose innovative forms of management of museum services to raise the quality of the museum, to stimulate the creation of a new museum organisation that can generate new forms of technological innovation, economic growth and change the styles and quality of life.

The AdriaWealth project, funded by the IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013, aims to create a series of public and private networks for the capitalisation of the results of the five previous IPA projects (Archeo.S. Artvision, Adriacold, Medpaths, Roofofrock). In particular, it aims to circulate good practices developed in the field of sustainable tourism, enhancing the artistic and cultural heritage and the management of natural resources. The partners of AdriaWealth, led by the Public Theatre of Apulia, include the Apulia Regional Department of Tourism, Economy of Culture and Territorial Enhancement, with the support of the Apulia Film Commission and the Pino Pascali Museum Foundation.
